Sunday, January 30, 2011


This is the annual road side painting and craft exhibition and sale organized in Bangalore .It is an amazing site to watch hundereds of artists from all over India , come to bangalore and setup stalls . Read more about this here

The road would be closed for traffic and it is wonderful to see people buzzing around watching the paintings , buying some , kids getting their face and arms painted and people also getting their portraits done . I joined in and got my portrait done , in flat 15 minutes ..

It was good to see so many young people willing to make career out of art . I'am always fascinated to see the astonishing sculptures in many of old Indian temples , but one thing that we miss to see is that , those temple were created during times of stable , prosperous and wealthy empires . Feel that , when the society is wealthy and prosperous enough to see beyound mere survival it starts to appreciate art and music .

So we as a society need to make sure that , as more bigger and stronger we grow economically , we also try and learn to appreciate our art and music . and also see to it that people can make a living following their passion in art and music .

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