Sunday, January 30, 2011

My regrets in my investment journey

I have been investing for some time now , but there are somethings i wish i had done differently

  1. Wish i had started Earlier : I have no regrets about when i started investing in equities directly , but wish i had started investing in MFs earlier , wish i had started SIPs earlier . If have to change somethings , i would have started a SIP , the day i started working .
  2. Wish I had placed bigger bets : I have never bought any stock on a TIP, i did listen to tips and then tried to study those stock and if i was comfortable , after tracking and reading about that stock for atleast a couple of months would then invest . But being a novice , i did not have the conviction to place larger bets , that is invest larger amounts.
  3. Wish I had "Accounts" as a subject in school: I wish i had studied "Accounts" . so that i could learn to read Balance sheets and P&L statements better.
Final regret , there are no UNDOs in life you just have to live with the pain of regrets.

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