Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Exponential growth

The Graph that you see is a how your money would grow in a PPF account.

 If you invest Rs.70,000 each year , this is how your money would grow to about 20 Lakhs at end of 15 years.

You would come across lots of article on power of compounding and also calculators that would calculate for you the final amount . But like the saying, a picture speaks a thousand words , only when you see it as a graph you see what compunding actually does to your money.

As you would see the graph is not linear , but Exponential

In nature during any epidemic and massive outbreak of infections and diseases , it is found that the microbes have started mutiplying exponential to reach gigantic proportions quickly and similarly when fraudster want to increase the reach of their schemes , they try to build Mutilevel Marketing and Pyramid Schemes , since all these help them to grow very very fast.

On the graph , if a line was drawn joing the top of each of the bars , it would increasingly get steeper and steeper , which means larger and larger returns , so the most important factor then would be "Time" give enough time for your investments that is growing exponentially and you would see your returns grow to gigantic proportions

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