Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Very Senior Citizens

This time around the Annual Budget had a interesting thing to offer , the Finance Minister (FM) has created a new category of citizens called "Very Senior Citizens" and the age limit for this, has been set as 80 years

In a country like ours where there are so few facilities provided by the government for the senior citizens,this is a welcome move by the FM

The FM has made sure that this category of citizens do not have to pay taxes for taxable income upto Rs.5 Lakhs , this limit was earlier half this figure at around Rs.2.5 Lakhs .

I'm not sure how many people really benefit from this , as the percentage of population above the age of 80 must be very small and a miniscule percentage of that, may probably be earning above Rs. 5 Lakhs a year but none the less a good move by the FM

The FM also reduced the qualifying age for senior citizens from 65 to 60 , so someday hope he will also reduce the qualifying age for Very Senior Citizens from 80 to 75 ,which may be a more appropriate qualifying age

In these times of high prices and uncertain interest rates , any change that helps our Senior Citizens is a welcome move

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