Monday, March 21, 2011

My learnings from Ramit

I follow a blog that is run by Ramit Sethi "" and two of his teaching that have profoundly influenced me are

  • Automate your Finance
  • Ask your Seniors

Automate Your Finance:
This aims at removing all the "Human Element" from the act of investing and tries to make it as mechanical a process as you can possibly think of . In my limited investment experience i have see that Human Elements like fear,greed,procrastination,laziness are the biggest stumbling blocks to disciplined investing and Automating your Finances focuses on removing these stumbling blocks.

Are you desirous of Automating your Finances , you can automate in these ways click here

Ask your Seniors:
This is about , learning from mistakes , more importantly, from mistakes of others .
Ramit suggests that you approach a person about 5 years your senior , may be a colleague or a friend or may be somebody in your family and ask them , if they had the chance to re-live last five years of their financial life again, what would they have done differently . how would their priorities be different , what investment they would have avoided , what investments would they have maximised .

Think about these two points , see how simple and yet how drastically can these alter your investment style.

Thank you Ramit for these insights.

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