Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shopping at the big retail stores

I do shop at these big retail stores for the range of convenience they provide . But there is something that i'am geting increasingly concerned . These big retails change your shopping habits , for one i see they never carry smaller SKUs or smaller packs of most stuff and you invariably end up buying the bigger pack ,though you wanted a smaller pack and so does it goes to the brand that you pick , these retailers do not carry all the brands so you end up buying brands that they carry instead of which you want .

Let me give you an example, I usually buy these mosquito repellent which are available in different pack , 30 day pack is what like to buy , and i find that big retailers are trying to move you to 45 days or 60 days pack , for retails it make sense as the same shelf space is trying to generate higher revenue for them, which is good for them , but not for the customers .

Watch out for this , next time you shop .

Image :,Photographer: Pixomar

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