Sunday, November 7, 2010

How many Bank account you ought to have

I would recommend that a salaried person , Ideally must have atleast three accounts

First of the account is the Salary account , the account into which your salary would get credited , this account would not be used for any other purpose other then salary credit . The day you change your job and the new employer is not able to use the existing account this account must be closed

Second account would be your Investment Account , this account would be used to route all your investment , all your premium payments ,credit card payments,all ECS, all bill payments . Take care to choose a bank for this account ,which would provide internet banking ( with a very good customer care ), bank which would proactively make sure that it is enrolled as preferred payment bank across various vendors and service providers.

Third account would be your Emergency account , this account would be used to put some or substancial money for emergency and This account must be , no excuse, has to be a sweep account , so that money lying here will not just lie idle, but earn optimal interest .

What is advantage of splitting accounts , well
1) When closing old unused salary account , you are sure , you will never receive DDs,ECS request , which will be drawn on the closed account , as all investment were routed through Investment account

2) You want to find detail of all payments , Investments made , Dividends received just get a statement of your Investment account and lo .. all details are there for you

3)You are concerned , that you may accidently invest money in illiquid instrument , money meant for emergency , that would never happen as your emergency cash is in a totally different account
Image :,Photographer: Carlos Porto

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