Friday, November 5, 2010

Nurture - Get rid of the duds

Image :, Photographer: Francesco Marino

Was reading this article in Forbes from Sanjoy Battacharya , he was so correct , when he writes that, it is so tough to get rid of the non performing stocks in your portfolio, we would invariable wait for those stock to at least get back to our purchase price . And Battacharya also goes on to write that , the other reason we fail to get rid of these duds is our "EGO", as we would then have to accept that we were wrong , and that my stock selection was wrong . To accept one is wrong is something unacceptable to the EGO.

Taking forward this "Get rid of the duds" , was fascinated by a articles on by JD about minimalistic living , living with few wants and fewer material possessions and how some people are even trying to own not more then 50 item ( all included )

Similarly , on , Remit , points us to be aware of the biases in life that we unknowingly carry with us and tells us to get rid of those

All these three different guys are point to one thing and one thing alone "Get rid of the duds" be they be stocks,possessions,thoughts.

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