Saturday, December 4, 2010

Using your Airline Miles

I had occasion to travel abroad a few years back . After the end of my travel, one of things i had done was to enroll in the loyalty program of the airlines .

But one of the things that i noticed was that, thought i had lots of miles with me , I did not have much option of utilizing those miles, either i may use them during my next travel ( i never travelled after that ) or else use it on the airlines website to purchase some stuffs , this was a problem too as most of the stuff would be shipped from abroad , hence would be subjected to customs and other duties .

It was about a year back that while i was browing casually , i noticed that there were websites in India , which were letting you purschase and pay using those airline miles . This was something great , as it opened a whole new way of shopping.

The airline i used was Lufthansa and web site i finally used those miles on was

So whenever you travel , make sure you do enroll and save those miles . you never know when you can use them
Image :,Photographer: jscreationzs

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