Thursday, December 9, 2010

Super Topup

Image :,Photographer: jscreationzs
As a salaried employee ,one of dilemmas we face regarding medical Insurance is , "I have a medical cover provided for, by my employer , which is pretty decent , then do I really again need to buy a medical cover on my own ? "

Consider these situations in life
1) You intend to take a sabbatical , go back to school , as you feel this extra knowledge would help you in the long run , so you quit and go back to school

2) You intend to change jobs and for first time you realise that you will be able to take a break before joing your new employer , but after you have been relieved from your previous employer

3) You were on maternity leave and as days went by , you realised your little bundle of joy means a lot more to you then returning back to work and decide to stay back at home .

4) You retire ( buying a new health insurance policy at this age is not only very costly , but many pre exisiting diseases will be excluded )

In all these circumstances there would be a time , when you will suddenly find that you are not under the medical cover of any employer and in case you are hospitalised during these times , you would have to foot the medical bills on your own .

My recommendation would be , you need to have a medical Insurance on your own irrespective of employer cover . Buy a normal mediclaim cover for about 2-3 lakh and then by a "Super Topup medical cover" from United India Insurance

Top-up medical insurances , as the name suggests are a type of medical cover , which would kick in over and above someother insurance cover .

For example you may have bought a medical cover for 2-3 lakh , this would be your normal medical insurance , now also buy a Topup medical cover , which would cover any expenses above the 3 lakh limit .
The advantage with topup policies is that since they kick in late( that is after 3 lakhs of expense ) , they are cheaper. You could buy a cover which would kick in from 3 lakh and cover you upto 7 lakh ( that would mean a total cover of 10 Lakh ) for about Rs. 2500 per year for the Toup cover

These medical insurance premiums are tax deductibles over above the 1 lakh limit , hence making them still cheaper to buy .

Check these links on Medical Insurance
Super-Topup - A Super Idea
Do not buy Family Floaters

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