Saturday, December 4, 2010

Saving without Goals

I have been reading a lot of articles across blogs about goal based saving . I agree it may be easier to save when you kind of know what you are saving for .

But i have a problem with this . I believe many of us know that we have A GOAL we would like to accomplish but are not clear of when we would like to hit that goal . Lets say buying a house , we may all want to buy one , but may be unsure when or where . Would that mean we should not be saving or not know how much to save .

I think it would be a far better idea to make saving in itself a goal . May be trying to save a certain percentage of your salary or Income as a goal may be a far better strategy . Say i would like to save 30% of my income

Another positive of this strategy would be that , you would start being more value conscious , as every penny you save would be a step towards your goal .
Image :,Photographer: renjith krishnan

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