Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Banking Ombudsman

The dictionary defines 'Ombudsman' as "A government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government "

A Banking Ombudsman, is a officer appointed by the Reserve Bank Of India (RBI), to look into complaints raised by customers of any bank that functions under the perview of the RBI.

All over India there are 15 Ombudsmans appointed each have their own jurisdiction List of Ombudsmans

The customers can approach these Ombudsmans , if they find deficiency in service that they receive from the bank, provided they have first raised their concern with the bank and the bank has not set right the issues or if the bank has outrightly refused to entertain their concern .

The customer has to be aware of these

a) Expain the problem on a sheet of paper with all the details
b) There are no charges involved for raising a compaint with the Ombudsmans.
c) The Complaint has to be raised with the Ombudsmans for respective region ( where he bank branch is located )
d)The compaint can be regarding any aspect of banking like credit cards,loans,deposits,etc.

Image : FreeDigitalPhotos.net,Photographer: Idea go

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