Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Picture speaks a thousand words .

In Stock investing ,especially in technical analysis of stocks, plotting how a stock or an Index has moved over the last year , may be Month or may be all though the day is a good indicator of the investor sentiment about a stock.

You would not have to look far for such data , there could be lot of different websites that may provide you this information , but none as elegantly as the NSE website

NSE ( National Stock Exchange ) has a feature called "SPARKLINES", where not only are Indexes plotted but , every constituent stocks are plotted over a Intraday, 30 days , 365 days period . the different indices covered are ( click on the Index to see the chart )
You even find the ETFs listed on NSE plotted here. You can even click on the small "Post-Its" on the charts to see any corporate actions like dividend/split/bonus information.

Image: winnond / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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