Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Did You Know

It has been quite sometime now that Mutual Funds have enabled their own website for Online Transactions , Initially the Mutual Funds wanted
  • You to be a existing investor with a Valid Folio Number
  • You to have a online transaction PIN ( which the investor would have received from the MF after filling in a Online Transaction Form and mailing it to them )

Now all this is changing , MF now allow you to Invest and even start a SIP ( Systematic Investment Plan ) , even if you do not have a PIN . All that you would need now would be
  • Your Valid Folio Number ( which means you would still need to be a existing investor )
  • Your PAN number
  • Your Bank Account Number ,that is registered with the Folio

KYC is mandatory , this goes without saying .

Which means , if you have a online transaction enabled bank account , you are all set to start investing .One less excuse for you not to invest

Currently i find these fund houses allowing investor to invest without a PIN
HDFC Mutual Fund
DSP Blackrock Mutual Fund

But remember , without a PIN you can only Invest/Buy , but you can never sell , this is a safety feature , So do remember to apply for a PIN , you would need that , the day you want to redeem your MF investments online.

So, go ahead and start investing from the comfort of your couch .

Image: Idea go /

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