Saturday, January 29, 2011

ATM usage

We had heard of numerous instances , where the ATMs were misused by fraudsters. The modus operandi was to try and pull out cash when the card holder has left the ATM , after entering the the PIN, thinking the ATM was faulty .

RBI has now made it mandatory for banks to incorporate extra safeguards in ATMs , it has made it mandatory that the PIN has to be entered every time a transaction is done . Earlier it was possible that we would enter PIN once and could withdraw cash multiple times , now that is not possible. This is a good move by the RBI.

One of the best practices in ATM usage would be, once you have finished using the ATM and have been again brought back to the welcome screen or any out of order screen  ,make sure you press the Cancel button a couple of times this would prevent any misuse of already entered PIN.

ATMs could still be prone to other kind of frauds , so be cautious

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